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Home »  2025 January 13

admission procedures

Here are some important tips during admission of clients suffering from addiction.

  • Tip 1: This is laughable but true. Identify the addict for some significant addicts appear drunk then the addict him/herself.

  • Tip 2: Family counseling should be very minimal during admission because you can always set a day for family counseling.

  • Tip 3: The earlier the documentation are generated, the better because mistakes can be done physiologically and psychologically.

  • Tip 4: Referral cases should always be handled with prior information before the new facility begins to handle. It may require to begin all the procedures again.

  • Tip 5: It is wise to separate the client from his significant others faster enough. This will help professional procedures to become independent other than biased.

For other tips, please contribute more.

Free Hearts Uganda


Free Hearts Ug

Freed Hearts Uganda uses CBT as the basic model of handling addiction for CBT handles thoughts, feelings and emotions that produce behavior.

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Qn1: What is re-evaluation counselling? (RC)
This theory was formulated by Havy Jarckins during the 2nd World War social challenges.
It pre-supposes that humankind is born with a freed mind without external data.

Thereafter, it begins to receive information from the environment where by hurts perpots to be pre-eminent over everything else.

Qn2: What is CBT?

This is cognitive behavioral therapy which was propagated mostly by Dr. Allan T. Becky in the last 2 decades that become pre-eminent in 1970’s and 80’s the best therapeutic approach to individuals that are going through chronic diseases e.g. addiction, depression etc.


Qn1: What is human nature?
Some call it basic personality. In some African languages, It is much clearer to understand it ‘’obuntu’’ The word "buntu" doesnot entirely cover the personally concept but also history and the environment.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy-CBT begins from this concept:

That a person has thoughts and beliefs which interconnect with feelings (emotions) and finally which produces (actions) in our case, addiction.

Being a Doctor of addiction recovery, this has become my foundation concept that our thought system when not changed will always be influenced by our emotional attitude and with this addiction lessons a recycled behavior / action.

Our minds are always getting information that our brains must think about and mostly these thoughts tend to consider this we see, we hear, we smell, taste and feed. And these are the 5 senses that inform the brain. 

Now if the brain receives information that is negative, there's no way behavior will be positive.


That is why in my previous article where I criticized RC, which presupposed that our minds from the very start hurts; hurts are a raw material which counselling is based (known as discharge)

Such an approach to addiction recovery needs someone to make a deeper research so that we can come to a common agreement.

Dr. Chris Kigezo 



I will use free hearts as a model for the above topic. CBT means cognitive behavioral therapy. The pillars of CBT are thoughts, behavior and emotions. These pillars are interconnected and are the ones we use to deal with addiction. Freed Hearts Uganda uses the third wave of CBT but most approaches are from the second wave.

Spiritual exercises: due to different faith approaches, inventory making, reflection, meditation or call itself awareness is the first program in the morning. For Free Hearts, there is a special bias for Christianity because most of the members are Christians. The bible is used as a tool for data collection which include; thoughts about …….., forgiveness, the golden rule, meekness and not judging. These may look Christian but they are universal software for mind changing.

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Free hearts Uganda

Early this month was called by lion’s (central) Kampala to talk about the above. I was given less than 15 minutes and I promised them that I would expand the same on our website for personal adaptation and criticism.

This article is divided into 5 pillars.

Now we are going to begin with pillar number 1.


Even if you intend to help out someone who is abusing substance. Remember that your own life is important too.

Consider how that problem (of abuse) is affecting you personally ans your surrounding.

React consciously and make intelligible choices because in such stress, our thinking becomes burred and we make courageous moves which result into physical hurt or even death. Even if you feel bad about the situation, understand your emotions and handle them with wisdom.

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intro to addiction treatment & rehabilitation

Free Herats Uganda


Addiction is putting self at the center of things. Being full of self.
The modern grasshopper harvesting is a typical example...

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Free Hearts Ug
change begins within

Here, we discuss the deeper roots of unhealthy addictive behavior and how they can be replaced with better and healthy habits

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Roots of addictive behavior

How a faulty belief system can cause addictive behavior. A life style resulting from...

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Free hearts Uganda
Roots of addictive behavior Part 2

A faulty belief system continued and how it causes addictive behavior

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Roots of Addictive behavior part 3

Unmet emotional, physical and spiritual needs. When basic needs are not met especially during childhood....

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Free Hearts Uganda
roots of Addictive behavior Part 4

Immature response to difficult life situations.

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Free Hearts Uganda
Roots of addictive behavior Part 5

We discuss how immaturity in responding to difficult life situations causes addiction

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Free Hearts Uganda
Roots of Addictive behavior part 6

One of the root cause is lack of proper boundaries and personal convictions. We discuss how early frustrations cause addictive behaviors.

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Free Hearts Uganda
roots of Addictive behavior Part 7

A Faulty Value System and how it can cause addictive behavior

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Addiction: When & where to get help

Free Hearts Amagara

The process of addiction is gradual. One may be able to notice as they lose control while other times it takes family, friends and workmates to be able to notice that one is struggling with an addiction. Addiction simply starts with tasting or trying a drug of abuse, this is usually described as the Experimental stage. Here, the drug is seen as fun and most users are first time users mostly under peer pressure or just trying to look for pleasure.

Once the pleasure principal is attained it is possible for one to continue using and thus becoming a social user, where the drug has not taken priority over other life activities and experiences. In social use, the urge to use only comes at social gatherings or occasions where the drug is made available. 

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Free Hearts Uganda
Nicotine/ Tobacco
The use of tobacco has been registered as the most addictive drug use, as this is in relation to how fast our receptors respond to pleasure induced by tobacco.
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A problematic pattern of cannabis use can lead to clinically significant impairment or distress.
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Free Hearts Uganda
Free Hearts Uganda
Non-Substance Addiction
These addictions come in forms of behavior or activities. The constant dependence on a  activity to the extent that normal and healthy functioning is impaired
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Signs & Symptoms of Addiction
Drug use affects people from all walks of life and all socioeconomic statuses
Behavioral Addiction
An addiction is dependence on a substance or activity to the extent that normal, healthy functioning is impaired
The Process of Addiction
Addiction is gradual, sometimes, one notices as they lose control while on...
Alcohol Induced Disorders
Alcohol is one of the most popular psychoactive drug. It comes in three forms: beer, wine or distilled spirits.
 Lockdown & Addiction
During the time of quarantine and forced lockdown, obsessive behaviors become intense
Addiction Treatment
Addiction treatment to Free Hearts Uganda means treatment geared towards help one stop dangerous drug use, be drug free