Incident reporting is very important for the running of the rehab centre. It includes any incident that is dangerous, absconding, fighting or any kind of threatening and any other incident that the admin deems important to report to police.
Incident reporting is a legal procedure that covers the centre in case of physical hurt or even death.
Usually, there's a reporting format which shows the type of incident, date of incident, individuals involved and historical background of the incident.
Let us take an example and say someone has escaped (abscondment)
The report should show at what time they realized the person was missing, what he was dressed like, was there any anxiety before the incident or uneasiness, did he go with anything personal maybe ID or phone, what time did the parents get the information, police OB (order of business) and any other information that is relevant.
A copy is always kept in the person's file, another copy filed at the police.
In case the police is far, LC 1 or LDU can be informed either verbally or in writing.
However, the OB must be acquired within 72 hours of the incident then after a person is declared missing if there's no feedback or report from him.
Importantly, both the therapeutic team and administration should know that they are dealing with a sick person, diligence and therapeutic approach should/must be used.
There are some other incidents that must be recorded and can be handled internally for example; possession of sharp material, use of vulgar language and other similar cases.
What must not be overlooked is when someone is in danger of death (poisoning), where an infant is involved or a disabled person.
But the gravity of the incident will always depend on the common sense of the administration